
The Schönburger flag-swingers
"we swing more than just nice speeches"

Our hobby:

We are a group of young, committed people who are following an extraordinary hobby. The flag waving.
Whether on medieval festivals, parades or spectacular ultralight shows, we move not only the flags, but with impressive throws and flag games to some monumental music you too.

Our shows

The right show for every event. You want to add your wedding guests after sunset with a planned show in complete darkness? Give you goose bumps? Then our ultralight show is just the thing.
You want to know how to enhance your parade with flag games from the 14th century? That your Medieval Festival is subverted by uniformed Landsknechts and flag-wavers.
Then contact us!
Learn more

If you want to be good you have to train

"Flag waving is not a sport" Unfortunately we hear that quite often. But only from people who have never tasted it. Anyone who has trained with us the next day will feel muscles that he did not know until then ... promised.
For example, a big flag weighs 10kg and still wants to be effectively thrown and caught again.
Are you interested in trying it yourself? Write us or just come by the training.
get in touch

Our training times:

Always Wednesdays
from 18:00 - 20:00
in the gym at the Rosarium in Glauchau

What have we done so far?

The Schönburger flag throwers founded already in the year 2002. Countless appearances, events, events but also great moments in the club we have since experienced. A little insight who we are and what we do you can win in our gallery
be curious
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